Sunday, May 17, 2020

James C. Modern Christian Thought Volume 1 The...

Book Review: Livingston, James C. Modern Christian Thought Volume 1: The Enlightenment and the Nineteenth Century. 2nd Ed. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1997. ISBN-13: 978-0-8006-3795-8. 448. pp. (Kindle Edition: 10285 locations). By: TidSureyah Tach, ID# 339560 October 21st, 2014 Bibliographic data: James C. Livingston (died July 31st, 2011 at age 81) was a faculty member in Religious Studies and administration at the College of William and Mary from 1968 to 1998. Professor Livingston was the founding chair of the Department of Religion, when he earned a promotion to full professor in 1973. He became the Walter G. Mason Professor of Religion in 1986. Beyond serving in major committees, Livingston was also the first dean of the undergraduate program. Author and credentials: In 1994, Livingston received the Thomas Jefferson Award (highest honor from his teaching College). He authored and/or edited 11 books and wrote more than 100 articles. Two of his books were widely used (Modern Christian Though—first published in 1997, and The Anatomy of the Sacred). Furthermore, he received fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The subject of the book, author’s purpose and intended audience: The history of Christian thought in the modern era was a quest of today’s Christian. Faith in a multi-denominational society decreases a sense of belonging. Since the Enlightenment someShow MoreRelatedPatriotism and the Youth in India3101 Words   |  13 Pages1 1 How, When and Where How Important are Dates? There was a time when historians were fascinated with dates. There were heated debates about the dates on which rulers were crowned or battles were fought. In the common-sense notion, history was synonymous with dates. 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